No problems were found by scanning your startup files for damage. The next step is to start the Conflict Test to find the startup files that are causing your problem. Warning! The set "^" already uses that PowerBook activation. Please select a different one. Warning! You have defined a default set. To select a different set, you must use a startup key or open Conflict Catcher at startup with the space bar. Warning! You cannot duplicate a set and rename it to the same name as the original set. Warning! The startup file "^" appears to be damaged. Because it is already disable, it should not be causing you any problems. Warning! The set "^" already uses that startup key. Please select a different one. You are displaying Apple Menu Items and/or Fonts. You should be aware that throughout this test these items will disappear and reappear. If you need any of these items to remain on during the test, you should lock them on. Warning! Conflict Catcher was unable to delete "^". If this is an installed font, to delete it you must first disable it and restart. The serial number you entered is not valid. Please make sure you entered the correct number. It can be located on the back of your master disk. Reordering the problem startup files solved the problem. Conflict Catcher has automatically created a forced order link to enforce this behavior. Warning! The saved Conflict Test has been automatically aborted because your list of startup files has changed. Warning! You need to select a printer before you can print. Warning! You must enter a name for the link. You cannot lock on all the startup files. If this happened, the conflict test would be unnecessary. Warning! Please do not move Conflict Catcher's preference file while the control panel is open. To erase the file, please close Conflict Catcher first. One of the startup files that loads before Conflict Catcher has been moved. Conflict Catcher will now restart the computer. Warning! A link with the name "^" already exists. Please select another name. Warning! The file "^" cannot be enabled because it would cause an incompatible file that is locked on to be disabled. Warning! The file "^" cannot be added because it is known to conflict with Conflict Catcher. Warning! You cannot change the lock of a file that is the intersection between two group links. Your problem did not appear with all of the startup files enabled. Either the problem is intermittent, a question was answered incorrectly, or there is no problem. Your problem was caused by something other than the active startup files. If you have Virtual Memory or 32-Bit Addressing enabled, they could be causing the problem. Your problem was caused by something other than the active startup files. It is possible that the files you locked on contained a conflict. Warning! To perform a Conflict Test, you must select at least one startup file. Warning! That startup key is either reserved, or already assigned to another set. Warning! An error occurred trying to move at least one file. Warning! The file "^" cannot be enabled because it is known to conflict with Conflict Catcher. Warning! An error occurred trying to delete the file "^". Warning! You must enter a set name for the set.